Monday, April 13, 2015


To add Precured Tread.

Resize image to 80w x 195h
Go to Virtuemart
Add product, Select Company
Select categories (Precured compulsorily & other applicable size ranges)
Go to Product Description
Copy a table from some other product and paste it here.
Fill up details with the current product details
Go to product images
Select image and select upload
Now save

For changing the image

Go to product image
There will be a small image at the top. Delete this by clicking the x mark at it's corner.
At the bottom select for from desktop
Set to upload
Click save

News Ticker

Go to control panel
Go to article manager
Find the article by name News
Text should be set to 10. Create a table row. Insert image using the image button. Images should be set to maximum 200 width. Text layouts can be suitably selected.
Click save
Delete all dated entries
Brochure Link
Go to Module ManagerEdit Right BrochureToggle to Text EditReplace Name
Go to Article ManagerAdd a File similar to "Testimonial - - Rolcon S.A., Uruguay"Edit TestimonialsAdd new one at the top

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